Customer Responsibility

Policy and Basic Approach

The HITOWA Group provides services that closely consider people and lifestyles through its diverse corporate activities in the nursing care, lifestyle support, childcare support, and food service fields.
As a company offering comprehensive lifestyle support services, we resolve various social problems. In the course of doing so, we fully recognize the importance of quality and safety management, comply with laws and regulations in the activities we conduct to advertise and market our services, and satisfy our responsibilities to our customers.

Service Safety

The HITOWA Group complies with laws and regulations and strives to ensure safety by creating safety manuals for each of its business companies so that they provide customers with safe and secure services. In order to prevent accidents, we have conducted thorough training and internal education, created a responsible department, and established routes for the relaying of information. In the unlikely event that an accident does occur, we share information regarding our handling of the accident internally, and we regularly review and revise our handling of accidents.

Responsible Marketing

The HITOWA Group recognizes that our services are used by a wide range of stakeholders, including individual and corporate customers, their family members, and other related parties. We engage in responsible advertising and marketing that takes our social responsibilities into full consideration.


In improving and penetrating HITOWA's brand image among stakeholders, we employ a unified brand concept in our advertising and use appropriate presentation, content, and media. The expressions we use in our advertising, fliers, website explanations, and the like are first internally checked and approved in accordance with our guidelines before they are released publicly. Due care is taken with matters related to defamation, discrimination, exaggerated or false claims, religion, politics, the environment, the privacy of third parties, personal information, and intellectual property rights.


The HITOWA Group strictly prohibits any marketing activities that are in violation of laws and regulations in accordance with the Group-wide compliance guidelines.

Food Safety

In order to make our customers healthier and enrich their lives, we focus on "health management," "quality management," and "personnel development" at all times in our catering service business.