Promotion Structure

In order to promote the sustainability of the HITOWA Group as a whole, the Group has established a Sustainability Committee which is chaired by the Representative Director of HITOWA Holdings Co., Ltd. and whose members include the Head of ESG, Executive Directors, the Presidents of Group companies, and Managing Executive Officers. It has also created a Sustainability Promotion Department to implement sustainability initiatives.

The Sustainability Committee meets once a year, as a general rule, serving as an advisory body to the Representative Director and deliberating and making decisions about matters related to the promotion of sustainability by the Group. These include the following.

  • (1)Deciding on policies and major initiatives related to the promotion of sustainability
  • (2)Formulating and implementing internal and external communication policies related to the above
  • (3)Reporting other important matters

The Sustainability Committee discusses matters with and reports matters to the Board of Directors as necessary based on the importance of said matters, etc.

The Sustainability Promotion Department engages in deliberations and reporting, and it gathers information regarding sustainability activities by business companies, etc., before Sustainability Committee meetings. When policies and plans are approved by the Sustainability Committee, specific activities and deliberations are conducted primarily by sustainability managers in individual Group companies and the Sustainability Promotion Department, led by the Head of ESG.

Sustainability Promotion Structure